The Little Prince
New Translation by Richard Mathews with Restored Original Art
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry - -
“An aviator, downed in the desert and facing long odds of survival, encounters a strange young person,
neither man nor really boy, who, it emerges over time, has travelled from his solitary home on a distant
asteroid, where he lives alone with a single rose. The rose has made him ...
Hudson River Bracketed
Edith Wharton - -
Hudson River Bracketed tells a fascinating tale set in the 1920s. It features two intelligent, sensitive protagonists, Vance Weston and Halo Spear, both of whom love literature and, despite unhappy marriages to others, eventually come together. This is no sentimental novel, however, with the lovers overcoming all odds to marry and have ...
The Bridge
Carol Draime - -
When Noah Johnson begins a light-hearted search for Bigfoot, he has no idea what's in store for him. The creatures are real and far more intelligent than anyone has yet imagined. Climate change has brought drought, and a forest fire becomes a life-and-death battle for Noah, his dog Buddy, and his friend Brad. They find themselves mysteriously saved when ...