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Halfway to the Stars: Cable Car Tales of a Grumpy Gripman
Daniel Curzon - -
Foreword’s 2013 Book of the Year Award Finalist ( "Halfway to the Stars will thrill an audience seeking entertainment untouched by editorial censors. This is stand-up comedy at its literary best, with controversial pieces included to strike the ...
Hudson River Bracketed
Edith Wharton - -
Hudson River Bracketed tells a fascinating tale set in the 1920s. It features two intelligent, sensitive protagonists, Vance Weston and Halo Spear, both of whom love literature and, despite unhappy marriages to others, eventually come together. This is no sentimental novel, however, with the lovers overcoming all odds to marry and have ...
The Bridge
Carol Draime - -
When Noah Johnson begins a light-hearted search for Bigfoot, he has no idea what's in store for him. The creatures are real and far more intelligent than anyone has yet imagined. Climate change has brought drought, and a forest fire becomes a life-and-death battle for Noah, his dog Buddy, and his friend Brad. They find themselves mysteriously saved when ...
The Man from Turkey
Mauro Mevlud Martino - -
THE MAN FROM TURKEY lives inside the universal village within all of us that seek to find some sort of inner bliss: for those of us that wish to walk along all the streets of all the 'New Yorks' of the world that are strewn with rubbish that lives both within and without.
As Frank and Layla search for love, for commitment in the village of ...