The Last Flight of Ikarus
Jehangir Hedayat – –
While the psychological mode of interactions of the personalities is prominent along the storyline, this novel is rather of the genre of exquisite psychological fiction. “Icarus” lives through a transcendent, which is to be questioned and found by the reader. The philosophy of life and existence is being discoursed from a certain view point of Icarus. The reader is rather being challenged to reach beyond the storyline and interpret the psychological and philosophical momentum and vibration behind the interactions. The personage of the story, who is the narrator too, is a writer. On one side, he is an intellectual writer and researcher, but on the other side, and like every other human being, he suffers from weaknesses, by which he feels bound and subordinated. He tries to draw and ‘design’ rational solutions, in order to get his affections by ratio, respect, and logic under control. Bu he is unaware that he may only master his own affections and control them, but not those affective moments of other people. The affections of other people, thus, remains unreachable to him and this incompletion, hinders his longing for final release to ‘truth’.
Title: The Last Flight of Ikarus
Author: Jehangir Hedayat – –
Translated by: –
Illustrated by: –
Language: Farsi
Imprint: IOPG
Series: –
ISBN13: 978-91-7637-022-3
ISBN10: 91-7637-022-4
Publication Date: 2015-04-08
Paperback Price: 1 – USD /1 – EUR /1 – GBP
Book Type: paperback
Page Count: 144