Maggie: A Girl of the Streets

sibe zende ra bayad har che zendetar kosht

Sam Vaseghi – –

“sibe zende râ bayád hàr che zendetàr kosht” (the vivid apple should be slayed, the fresher the merrier) is a collection of poems written 2013-2015 by the German-Iranian author and poet Sam Vaseghi. Some of the poems of this collection, such as “found”, have been previousely published by the Iranian online literature journal “antipoetry” as embedded in short movies for virtual installations.

Title: sibe zende ra bayad har che zendetar kosht
Author: Sam Vaseghi – –
Translated by: –
Illustrated by: –
Language: Farsi
Imprint: IOPG
Series: –
ISBN13: 978-91-7637-290-6
ISBN10: 91-7637-290-1
Publication Date: 2017-01-13
Paperback Price: 5,03 – USD /4,32  – EUR /4,17  – GBP
Book Type: paperback
Page Count: 38

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