Maggie: A Girl of the Streets

Shooram, Sheh, Shavaleh, Shon

Gil Avaei – –

Shooram, Sheh, Shavaleh, Shon, is the third poetry book of Gil Avaei in Gileki language. Similar like the manzumeha and the ghazels, the poems are motivated by two streamlines. First the annoyance to live exiled from home, a strong feeling which is the fundament for my nostalgic discourse in life. Second the commitment to investigate the mother tongue, recreating and reviving indigenous terms and traditions of “Gileki”, particularly terms and linguistic elements, which are not more known by the younger generations.

Title: Shooram, Sheh, Shavaleh, Shon
Author: Gil Avaei – –
Translated by: –
Illustrated by: –
Language: Farsi
Imprint: IOPG
Series: –
ISBN13: 978-91-86131-26-5
ISBN10: 91-86131-26-5
Publication Date: 2008-09-01
Paperback Price: 1 – USD /1  – EUR /1  – GBP
Book Type: paperback
Page Count: 120

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