khaterate yek sarbaz
Mirmosa Hashemi – –
The book “Memoirs of a Soldier” details the author’s life since his childhood in the village of Kahriz in the Yekan province. The book is more than an autobiography; it is a unique firsthand account of Iran’s recent history from a soldier’s perspective. His observations begin with the massacre of Azerbaijanis after the fall of the South Azerbaijan national government to the central Pahlavi regime in Iran. The author’s memories from his service in Iran’s national army, both before and after the Islamic revolution, offer great insights into this era, giving readers firsthand information and true understanding of history. The author’s approach to the complex ethnic issues facing Iran is another important section of this book. Readers will gain a broad understanding of the transitions of the ethnic national movements in Azerbaijan and Iran as well as their roots and causes.
Title: khaterate yek sarbaz
Author: Mirmosa Hashemi – –
Translated by: –
Illustrated by: –
Language: Farsi
Imprint: IOPG
Series: –
ISBN13: 978-91-7637-276-0
ISBN10: 91-7637-276-6
Publication Date: 2017-04-18
Paperback Price: 1 – USD /1 – EUR /1 – GBP
Book Type: paperback
Page Count: 664